
Showing posts from July, 2020



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Antiamoebic Drug pharmacology link below




[Antidiarrheal] New video available on youtube link in description


We excersize atleast 36 muscle when we smile.


Antidiabetic drug pharmacology


Tiny, magnetically powered neural stimulator

Tests show 'magnetoelectric' power is viable option for clinical-grade implants Rice University neuroengineers have created a tiny surgical implant that can electrically stimulate the brain and nervous system without using a battery or wired power sup



Brazilian AIDS Patient Shows No Sign of Virus After Experimental Drug Therapy

Doctors in Brazil say an experimental treatment given to a man known as the Sao Paulo Patient may have cured him of HIV.     The man, who was subjected to intensive anti-retroviral drug therapy with the purpose of removing all traces of the AIDS virus from his body, shows no signs of the virus after more than a year since he stopped receiving the treatment.   In an interview with The Associated Press, the patient said he was “very moved, because it’s something that millions of people want. It’s a gift of life, a second chance to live.”   The only other two known cases of HIV cures have been through bone marrow transplants, which gave patients new immune systems that were better equipped to respond to the virus.     Bone marrow transplants are prohibitively expensive, though, and they come with life-threatening side effects, leading experts to disregard them as a viable option.   Although the treatment the Sao Paulo Patient received appears to be a much better alternative, h

Air Filter Traps and Kills SARS-CoV-2 Virus

A group of researchers, including those at the University of Houston, has developed an air filter that can instantly kill SARS-CoV-2 viral particles that pass through it by heating them to 200 degrees C (392 F). The technology may help to destroy the particles within busy indoor spaces, such as hospitals, reducing the risk of COVID-19 transmission. There is increasing evidence that SARS-CoV-2 viral particles could linger in the air for several hours when indoors, posing an infection risk for much longer than once thought. Previously, health authorities advised that the primary sources of COVID-19 infection are droplets expelled by people sneezing and coughing, that rapidly fall to the ground soon after. However, much smaller aerosolized particles may linger in the air for quite some time, especially in poorly ventilated indoor spaces, suggesting that we may need new strategies to protect ourselves from airborne infection. One such approach involves filtering the air in indo

Doug Melton: A stem-cell cure for diabetes

Type 1 diabetes affects 1.25 million Americans, but two in particular got Harvard biologist Doug Melton’s attention: his daughter Emma and son Sam. Treatment can involve a lifetime of careful eating, insulin injections and multiple daily blood-glucose tests. Melton has a different approach: using stem cells to create replacement beta cells that produce insulin. He started the work over 10 years ago, when stem-cell research was raising hopes and controversy. In 2014 he co-founded Semma Therapeutics—the name is derived from Sam and Emma—to develop the technology, and this summer it was acquired by Vertex Pharmaceuticals for $950 million. The company has created a small, implantable device that holds millions of replacement beta cells, letting glucose and insulin through but keeping immune cells out. “If it works in people as well as it does in animals, it’s possible that people will not be diabetic,” Melton says. “They will eat and drink and play like those of us who are not.” —Don Stein

Unique nanoparticle can reduce side effects, increase the effectiveness of cancer treatment

Unique nanoparticle can reduce side effects, increase the effectiveness of cancer treatment. A unique nanoparticle to deliver a localized cancer treatment inhibits tumor growth in mice, according to a team of Penn State researchers. The nanoparticles, developed by Daniel Hayes, associate professor of biomedical engineering, have a specific chemistry that allows a microRNA (miRNA) to attach to it. A miRNA is a molecule that when paired to a messenger RNA (mRNA) prevents it from operating. In this case, it prohibits the mRNA in a cancer cell from creating proteins, which are essential for that cancer cell to survive. In their study, the researchers delivered nanoparticles to the cancer cells of mice through an IV. Once the nanoparticles built up in the cancerous area, they used a specific wavelength of light to separate the miRNA from the nanoparticles. The miRNA then pairs with a mRNA in the cancer cell, causing the mRNA to stop making proteins. Eventually, the cancer cell dies Source -

List of COVID19 VACCINE in trail phase


Aspirin and flavonoids in fruits and vegetables could help prevent colorectal cancer

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables and a daily dose of aspirin have one thing in common-;both can help prevent colorectal cancer. Yet scientists have struggled for decades to find the source of their ability to inhibit cancer cell growth. The answer may lie in the compounds produced when the body breaks down, or metabolizes, aspirin, and flavonoids present in fruits and vegetables, according to associate professor Jayarama Gunaje of SDSU's Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. He proposes "the metabolite hypothesis" in the May issue of Molecules, an international peer-reviewed journal. Only 40 to 50% of aspirin and less than 15% of flavonoids are absorbed in the bloodstream, Gunaje explained. Therefore, substantial amounts of aspirin and flavonoids reach the intestines, where host and bacterial enzymes degrade the compounds. This process results in simpler phenolic acids, specifically hydroxybenzoic acids, or HBAs, that may contribute to colorectal cancer p

IIT Kharagpur students develop low-cost AI-based device to monitor social distancing in public places. Kudos to this creative innovation!


Antibiotics Part 2 are available on YouTube

New class of safer analgesics discovered

Researchers at LSU Health New Orleans Neuroscience Center of Excellence and colleagues have discovered a new class of pipeline drugs to relieve pain and reduce fever without the danger of addiction or damage to the liver or kidneys. The research is published online in the  European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry . Current drugs have unwanted side effects. Opioids can not only cause addiction; recent studies have shown they can be no more effective at relieving pain than non-narcotic drugs. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) can cause kidney damage. Acetaminophen is an effective drug, but overuse can result in liver damage
INTRO VIDEO -  Med-Factor
An antibiotic is a type of antimicrobial substance active against bacteria. It is the most important type of antibacterial agent for fighting bacterial infections, and antibiotic medications are widely used in the treatment and prevention of such infections.They may either kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria Full lecture on this topic